Committees, Subcommittees & Task Forces

Committees serve an important role to our association process and the Board of Directors. Please consider participating in the association process by volunteering to serve on a committee. Our community needs you! Click Here to Join a Committee! For questions or if you would like more information, please contact the following CNSA Board Members/Committee Chairs: 

Community Health Committee

Co-Chairs: Christopher Aono & Nathan Liang

[email protected] & [email protected]

Image of Nursing & Break Through to Nursing Committee

Chair: Regina Rivera 

[email protected] 

Legislative/Resolutions Committee

Co-Chairs: Jerome Salvador & Kaitlin Yang

[email protected] & [email protected]

Communications Committee

Co-Chairs: Regina Rivera & Sixta Hamilton

[email protected] & [email protected]

Philanthropy & Awards Committee

Chair: Jemily Choi

[email protected]

Nominations and Elections Committee

Chair: Brooke Skiera

[email protected]

Finance Committee

Chair: Jemily Choi

[email protected]

Bylaws & Governance Committee

Chair: Brooke Skiera

[email protected]

Chapter Connections & Member Engagement

Co-Chairs: Regina Rivera & Sixta Hamilton

[email protected] & [email protected]