Join A Committee

CNSA has a number of ways for members to get involved. Committees, Subcommittees, and Task Forces give members an opportunity to take action, develop leadership skills, find support, be a part of a community, and build your resume for the future. Committees, Subcommittees, and Task Forces are open to ALL current members of CNSA. For questions or if you would like more information, please contact the following CNSA Board Members/Committee Chairs. To join a Committee, Click Here!

Philanthropy and Awards Committee

You can get involved and support CNSA by providing ongoing recognition of chapters, members, and alumni. Committee members have the opportunity to seek out and apply for corporate philanthropy, charitable giving, grants, and/or other sources of fundraising.

Chair: Justin Monzon & Arvilyn Ticano

[email protected] & [email protected]

Finance Committee

Chair: Adarsh Sidhu

[email protected]

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is responsible for preparing all membership communication. Share ideas to maintain and update the CNSA social media and website with important information and current events.

Chair: Arvilyn Ticano & Angelika Giron

[email protected] & [email protected]

Image of Nursing & Breakthrough to Nursing Committee

The Breakthrough to Nursing Committee provides educational tools on diversity topics and coordinates nursing outreach initiatives within our community to increase underrepresented populations' interest in the nursing profession. Our goals are to address barriers to specific resources that are experienced by diverse populations and to increase knowledge about cultural humility in nursing school chapters by organizing and providing educational webinars, toolkits, and support systems.

Co-Chairs: Regina Rivera & Kaitlin Yang

[email protected] & [email protected]

Convention Committee

The Convention Committee assists in the planning and coordinating of the Annual Convention, scheduled for October 2021, including sharing ideas about speakers, program and marketing.

Co-Chairs: Shermaine Lambkin & Angelika Giron

[email protected] & [email protected] 

Community Health Committee

Co-Chairs: Kathleen Morris & Summer Sanchez

[email protected] & [email protected]

Governance Committee

Chair: Brooke Skiera

[email protected]

Legislative/Resolutions Committee

Help fellow nursing students by providing information and resources to CNSA constituency for developing a resolution.

Co-Chairs: Kaitlin Yang & Patrick Clavillas

[email protected] & [email protected]

Nominations and Elections Committee

Chair: Brooke Skiera

[email protected]

Chapter Connections & Member Engagement Committee

Designed to expand our membership to reflect the diversity of California Nursing Students. We want our organization to reach students from all chapters large and small because together we are stronger. 

Co-Chairs: Regina Rivera, Kathleen Morris & Patrick Clavillas

[email protected], [email protected] & [email protected]